Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What My Students Learned This Semester

Taking inspiration from Jo(e), I passed out index cards and asked my students to write down one thing they learned in class this semester.  These are the anonymous responses I received in the order in which I received them.

I learned how much thought and process goes into writing a well-written assignment.

I learned how to format my papers in MLA format.

I learned about Chris Burden, the performance artist who had his assistant shoot him as their act.

I learned about Dropbox and its excellence.

I learned how to organize my thoughts in a coherent way.

I learned how to go beyond the obvious analysis of works to find a deeper message.

In this class, I learned that I really don't understand art (paintings, photos, shark-in-a-tank), but I really do like shark-in-a-tank.

In this class, I learned a lot about different kinds of new artists.

I learned how to write a better thesis than I usually have with the standard "Although . . ." sentence.

I had my first serious writing class.  It helped me find a writing process that works and to analyze my own work deeper.

I learned that college professors can be nice and understanding!


  1. I especially like that last one!

  2. Awesome comments, Prof. Highberg! -- Laurel

  3. Truly, that was the last one. Can't tell by the handwriting who it was, but it's always glad someone thinks it, especially a first-year student.
